Discussing controversial current issues, illuminating them from different perspectives and working out proposals for action for the politicians – that is the main focus of the Tutzing Discourse.
Participants – both from different fields of science and practice – work together as a unified research group, not simply as representatives of distinct standpoints. Goal and intention is to get beyond the exchange of opinions to promote researching together from distinct positions and to resolve unanswered questions.
At regular intervals the research group meets for workshops. Participants are accompanied by recognised experts in the workshops and they set their own core themes, organise and conduct the discussions independently and where necessary invite other prominent experts to join them. In addition it is vital to the Tutzing Discourse that processes and results are made transparent to the public.
Now, the Tutzing Discourse does not merely seek to produce results, but also to strengthen and support the skills of the participants in discussion. For this reason the main emphasis lies in reflecting on the procedures and fundamental concepts employed.
The Tutzing Discourse is a project of the Akademie für Politische Bildung (Academy for Civic Education). The discourse “Integration“ (2019-2021) is funded by the Federal Agency for Civic Education (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung/bpb).